Online / 5 & 6 February 2022


Room occupation by track

All times are CET (UTC+1, Brussels time). For a less graphical and colorful overview of the rooms and the tracks that are held in them, respectively, you may look at this page instead.


Room 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
I I.infodesk Infodesk
K K.fosdem FOSDEM
M Community
M.misc Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
M.rtc Real Time Communications
L L.lightningtalks Lightning Talks
D D.apache-openoffice Apache OpenOffice Apache OpenOffice
D.collab Collaboration and Content Management Collaboration and Content Management
D.cad Computer Aided Modeling and Design
D.conference Conference Organisation
D.dart-flutter Dart and Flutter
D.embedded Embedded, Mobile and Automotive FOSS on Mobile Devices
D.openjdk Friends of OpenJDK
D.go Go
D.trusted-hardware Hardware-Aided Trusted Computing
D.hpc HPC, Big Data, and Data Science HPC, Big Data, and Data Science
D.infra Infra Management
D.javascript JavaScript Legal and Policy Issues
D.libreoffice LibreOffice Technology
D.llvm LLVM
D.mariadb MariaDB Server
D.microkernel Microkernel and Component-based OS
D.mozilla Mozilla
D.mysql MySQL
D.nim Nim Programming Language
D.research Open Research Tools and Technologies Open Source Design Open Source Design Open Source Design
D.firmware Open Source Firmware, BMC and Bootloader
D.openpower OpenPOWER
D.raku Raku Raku
D.retro Retrocomputing Safety and Open Source
D.testing Testing and Automation Testing and Automation
D.virtualization Virtualization and IaaS
D.web3 Web3 Infrastructure Web3 Infrastructure
S S.box86 Box86 stand
S.checkmk Checkmk stand
S.civicrm CiviCRM stand
S.opensuse openSUSE stand
S.debian Debian stand
S.eclipse Eclipse Foundation stand
S.fedora Fedora Project stand
S.foreman Foreman stand
S.fossasia FOSSASIA stand
S.fsfe Free Software Foundation Europe stand
S.freebsd FreeBSD Project stand
S.gnome GNOME stand
S.gsoc Google Summer of Code stand
S.haiku Haiku stand
S.illumos illumos stand
S.kde KDE Community stand KDE Community stand Kiwi TCMS stand
S.libreoffice LibreOffice stand
S.libresoc LibreSOC Project stand
S.mariadb MariaDB Foundation stand
S.matrix Matrix stand
S.mautic Mautic stand
S.nextcloud Nextcloud Hub stand
S.ntop ntop stand
S.oniro Oniro Project stand
S.onlyoffice ONLYOFFICE stand
S.openmandriva OpenMandriva stand
S.opentap OpenTAP stand
S.openuk OpenUK stand
S.openwifi openwifi stand
S.ow2 OW2 Open Source Community stand
S.pharo Pharo stand
S.postgresql PostgreSQL stand
S.pulp Pulp stand
S.reactos ReactOS stand
S.refpersys RefPerSys stand
S.schulfrei schul-frei stand
S.apache The Apache Software Foundation stand
S.ubuntu Ubuntu stand
S.xcpng XCP-ng stand
S.xwiki XWiki & CryptPad stand


Room 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
I I.infodesk Infodesk
K K.fosdem FOSDEM
M Community
M.misc Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Security
L L.lightningtalks Lightning Talks
D D.ada Ada
D.bsd BSD
D.containers Containers
D.cicd Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
D.minimalistic Declarative and Minimalistic Computing
D.distributions Distributions
D.embedded Embedded, Mobile and Automotive
D.emulator Emulator Development FOSS on Mobile Devices Free Software Radio
D.openjdk Friends of OpenJDK
D.geospatial Geospatial Graphics Graphics Graphics
D.hpc HPC, Big Data, and Data Science HPC, Big Data, and Data Science
D.javascript JavaScript
D.kotlin Kotlin Libre-Open VLSI and FPGA
D.libreoffice LibreOffice Technology
D.matrix Foundation & Community
D.monitoring Monitoring and Observability
D.mysql MySQL Network Open Source Design
D.postgresql PostgreSQL
D.public-code Public Code
D.python Python Python Python Python
D.dependency Software composition and dependency management
D.sds Software Defined Storage
D.valgrind Valgrind
D.web3 Web3 Infrastructure
S S.kde KDE Community stand KDE Community stand