Brussels / 4 & 5 February 2023


Fernando Fernandez Mancera

Photo of Fernando Fernandez Mancera

Fernando is a free software enthusiast focused on computer networking. He is an active contributor of several projects like the Netfilter subsystem, NetworkManager and Nmstate. Currently he works as a Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat focused on Network Management tools like Nispor, Nmstate or NetworkManager.

In addition, Fernando contributed a lot to the SUGUS GNU/Linux user group in Sevilla, Spain.


Title Day Room Track Start End
Using Rust for your network management tools!
Let the crabs control the packets!
Saturday H.1302 (Depage) Rust 17:50 18:10
Networking management made simple with Nmstate
Taming the internals of NetworkManager
Sunday H.1301 (Cornil) Network 12:45 13:15